Salerno – Reggio di Calabria motorway

Salerno – Reggio di Calabria motorway

Marini and Bulfaro S.p.A. accepted the challenge to build this 40km stretch of motorway over mountainous terrain. Bulfaro S.p.A. Zona Industriale 85038 Senise (PZ)tel +39 0973 584141 fax +39 0973 585919  e-mail: info@bulfaro.comC.C.I.A.A. di Potenza REA n° 83366 P.Iva...

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7 + 8 =

Bulfaro S.p.A. Zona Industriale 85038 Senise (PZ)
tel +39 0973 584141 e-mail:
C.C.I.A.A. di Potenza REA n° 83366 P.Iva 01178170765 Cap. Soc. 1.500.000,00 i.v.

Bulfaro spa